Grief & Loss Therapy




The irony of grief is that the person you need to talk to about how you feel is the person who is no longer here.


The pain and raw emotion of grief can feel like no other pain you’ve ever felt before. At some point in our lives, each of us will experience a loss that is accompanied by grief. While grief is a natural process, it can often be dismissed in our society, making us feel even more isolated during a vulnerable time in our lives. It can become compounded if we experience several losses simultaneously. Grief can be traumatic when the loss we experience is unexpected or not peaceful.

Please know that your grief is a sacred process in therapy. You don’t have to suffer alone and I am here if you would like someone to walk this journey with you.

 “Some things cannot be fixed. They can just be carried.”

-Megan Devine

Non-Death Loss

While death is most commonly associated with grief, we can also experience grief when we have other losses, such as:

  • Divorce/Ending a relationship

  • Declining health

  • Life transition, such as retirement or becoming an “empty nester”

  • Loss of a job/financial freedom

  • Loss of yourself and your individuality

Grief Looks Like…

  • Feeling great one minute and falling to pieces the next minute

  • Avoiding things and people that remind you of your loss

  • Loss of interest in activities you previously enjoyed

  • A desire to be alone

  • Feeling like no one else understands you

  • Loss of purpose or meaning in life

  • Numbing to avoid the ongoing pain of your new reality

Our Approach to Grief and Loss Therapy

  • We accept you wherever you are at in your grief journey. Whether your loss happened last week or 26 years ago, it is never too late to grieve.

  • We hold space for ALL of your grief to be seen and heard. We sit on the floor with you when grief needs to curl up in a ball and cry. We provide pillows when grief needs to hit or punch something. We listen to stories and memories when grief needs to laugh and share.

  • There is no way around this pain. There is nothing anyone could say or do to take away this pain (but there are things people can say to make it worse!) Our goal is to help you re-establish a sense of self after the loss.


 Healing from profound grief is possible

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